STASIS - sustainable management of disposed sulphide rich soils
Aims to develop methods to inhibit sulphide oxidation and stabilize sulphide rich masses both chemically and physically, using lime, biochar and other amendments.
The project focuses on:
- Extending time allowed for intermediate storage of excavated sulphide soil
- Treatment of shaft bottoms to reduce acidic runoff
- Improving geotechnical properties of sulphide soil for usage in construction
The main reason sulfide soil is excavated is the need to replace it with materials with better bearing capacity. In Sweden excavated sulphide soil shall be taken to a landfill within 24 hours to avoid oxidation and associated acidic and metal bearing runoff. Today large proportion of excavated sulphide soil is considered "hazardous waste" and unnecessarily transported to landfills. Today's treatment method is both expensive and ineffective.
Materials that can be used for inhibition will be investigated in the laboratory at LTU and quantities needed for stabilization, buffering capacity and improved geotechnical properties of the soil will be examined.
Expected outcome of the project is a recommendation of a treatment method to reduce the effect of acidification in excavated sulphide rich soils.
Budget: 1 100 000 € | Project period: 11/2019 – 06/2022
