Complab Solid Mechanics
Our experimental facilities are tools for research in solid mechanics and related research topics. In the subject Solid Mechanics we provide technical expertise and assistance in planning and execution of experiments and tests. These resources are also available for assignments and tests on behalf of external stakeholders.
Complab hållfasthetslära has equipment and machinery to carry out a variety of tests of both materials and components. We perform among other things:
High speed testing at high temperatures
Hot rolling of wire typically takes place at temperatures between 900 and 1100°C. In the final wire block just before the wire feeder, the wire can have velocities up to 100 m/s. This means strain rates up to 5000 s-1. This means strain rates up to 5000 s-1. To determine the mechanical material properties under these extreme conditions, the Split-Hopkinson Pressure bar is used, complemented by an induction heater.
Reverse impact testing
In airplane engines there are several structural parts that require high containment capability. The requirement is that the structure surrounding the rotating parts of the motor should prevent solving parts, e.g. turbine wovels in the event of a fracture, penetrate and cause damage to the surrounding body.
As part of the dimensioning of containment structures, full scale testing is used. However, these are very costly, so more cost effective methods are preferred. One way to evaluate is to shoot projectiles against sheet samples of the containment material. Another attractive approach is to reverse the concepts and shoot a smaller sheet sample against a projectile attached to a longer rod, ie. Reverse impact testing. The strength of letting the sheet sample slide onto the projectile is that the force at the impact can be measured by detecting the elastic pressure wave generated in the subsequent rod. By utilizing induction heating, the sheet sample can also be heated to temperatures occurring in airplane engines.
Additional tests
- Fatigue tests
- Tensile testing
- High temperatur tensile testing
- High-speed tensile tests (20m / s at 100kN)
- Testing with air-powered projectiles (300 m / s)
- Split-hopkinsson Bar
- Powder Compaction
- Fracture mechanical testing
- Measurement of displacement, force, strain, temperature, etc.
Electro-mechanical loading machine, Dartec M1000/RE.
Intended for mechanical testing of materials and smaller components. Used primarily for slow static load in tension and compression. Can be equipped with an oven for testing at high temperatures.
Max power: 100 kN
Max stroke: 100 mm
Maximum speed: 100 mm / s
Servo-hydraulic loading machine, Instron 1272
Intended for mechanical testing of materials and smaller components. Used for testing in tension and compression and fatigue test.
Max power: 20 kN
Maximum frequency: 50 Hz
Servo-hydraulic loading machine, Dartec M1000/RK
Intended for mechanical testing of materials and components. Used for testing in tension and compression and fatigue test.
Max power: 250 kN
Max stroke: 150 mm
Maximum frequency: 20 Hz
Hydraulic loading machine Instron, VHS160/100-20
Intended for mechanical testing of materials and components at high speeds. Used for testing in tension and compression
Max power: 100 kN in dynamic load.
Maximum speed: 20m / s
Compressed air gun, own design
Intended for mechanical testing of materials and components at very high speeds. Used primarily for impact tests and crash tests.
Top speed: about 200 m / s
Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, own design
Intended for mechanical testing of materials and components at high speeds. Used primarily for pressure testing at high strain rates. Can be fitted with inductive heating for testing at high temperatures.
Ultranac FS501 high-speed camera
Designed for high speed photography of fast processes. Used in combination with other equipment for the photographic recording of very fast events such as stroke and collisions. Frame rate up to 20 million frames per second is possible.
Powder filling machine
Used to study filling processes.
Measuring systems, CMO, ARAMIS
Intended for non-contact measurement of deformation and elongation. Used in combination with load apparatus for using digital images to examine the material's response to mechanical loading
Measurement systems, Zimmer 100D
Intended for non-contact measurement of motion. Used in combination with loading equipment, etc. to measure an object's movement at both slow and rapid processes. Two separate channels, which allows the measurement of relative motion.
Induction heaters, EDF Sinac 5 SH
Designed for inductive heating of small specimens. Used in combination with load equipment to allow for testing at elevated temperature. The temperature is controlled with pyrometer and control.
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