Education on Urban Water Engineering
Water and sewage engineering contribute several courses to the civil engineering programs in road and water construction, natural resource engineering, and architecture, as well as the two-year program in civil engineering.
- Applied hydraulics
- Hydraulics and geology
The course is only given in Swedish. Visit the Swedish page more for more information. - Sustainable Building
The course is only given in Swedish. Visit the Swedish page more for more information. - Urban Water systems
The course is only given in Swedish. Visit the Swedish page more for more information. - Planning and construction in civil engineering
The course is only given in Swedish. Visit the Swedish page more for more information. - Applied Stormwater Treatment and Management
- Natural Water Transport Processes
- Design Project in Urban Water Engineering
- Urban Stormwater Management
- Resource-oriented Water and Sanitation Systems
- Senior design project in Urban Water Engineering
- Senior design project in Urban Water Engineering
- Senior design Project in Urban Water Engineering
Degree and project work
The field of Urban Water Engineering offers current and interesting proposals for degree projects and research assignments originating from municipal practitioners, consultants, and suppliers, or are linked to ongoing research projects.
Read more here.
Doctoral studies
Education is provided at the research level. The program spans five years and concludes with a doctoral degree. During their studies, doctoral candidates may participate in various research schools:
- Creaternity Graduate school
- CENE Research School
- National Water Research School AquaClim
External link, opens in new window.
Free online course for those interested in stormwater management
In this open, free online course, anyone interested can learn more about stormwater management and how stormwater can be integrated into urban planning, the hydrological cycle and how it is affected by urbanization, and precipitation and how it is affected by climate change. Problems with traditional pipe-based drainage systems are discussed as well as green stormwater infrastructure as a sustainable alternative.
The course is aimed at anyone who may encounter stormwater in their work, as well as anyone who wants to know more about how we can build a society that is prepared for the effects of future climate change.
Annelie Hedström
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