Master's theses projects on Urban Water Engineering
On this site, we have gathered current and interesting proposals for master’s thesis projects in the field of Urban Water Engineering the sub-topics concerning drinking water supply, stormwater management and sewage management, in their different perspectives.
Some of the projects are offered by municipal stakeholders, consultants and suppliers while others are linked to ongoing research projects. For the first type of master’s degree projects, it may be necessary to move to the place where the work is to be carried out. For the research-related projects, the master student works in close collaboration with senior researchers and PhD candidates here at LTU. Though, field work may need to be carried out elsewhere in Sweden or abroad. In such cases, LTU bears the travel cost.
Once you have found a project in Urban Water Engineering, either by contacting a contact person for one of the projects offered on this site or found on your own, that you would like to do for your master’s thesis you need to contact Annelie Hedström in order to be assigned a supervisor and examiner. When this is accomplished you need to meet the external partner and supervisor/examiner from LTU to agree on the details of your project. The supervisor and examiner at LTU are responsible for ensuring that the project has the scientific orientation required for the work to be accounted as a master’s thesis project. Most often, the parties will find a way for the project to be arranged in order to meet the scientific requirements.
This website is updated regularly, and three times a year LTU contacts the external parties to see if the offered projects are still relevant or if they should be removed. If you, as a representative of a company or municipality, are interested in engaging master students and have interesting ideas for relevant projects you are welcome to contact Annelie Hedström with the following information: Project title and project description (approx. 5 lines), contact person and a picture, illustration or photo that can illustrate the project in one way or another.