Modelling of moisture flow, stress, and distortion of sawn timber
Swedish sawmills dry sawn timber considerably quicker than predicted by available industrial drying model using shorter empirically customized drying schedules without comprising the timber’s quality. The quicker process leads to less energy consumption, fewer costs, and a more sustainable drying industry.
The aim of the CT WOOD project is to develop a finite element model that can give a better description of the physical phenomena encountered during the drying of sawn timber and can contribute to the understanding of the shorter empirically customized drying schedules. The numerical model is developed in finite element program Abaqus FEA® and is supported by user subroutines to define the material behavior, boundary conditions and fiber orientation. X-ray computed tomography data is actively used in the definition of geometry and input parameters, and in addition, in combination with advanced image-processing techniques used to perform the experimental calibration and validation of the finite element model.
Project information
Subject: Drying of sawn timber
Time project: May 2021 - November 2021