Neutron and X-ray imaging for basic studies of moisture transport in wood and wood-based products
The aim of this CT WOOD project is to build up basic knowledge about how neutron and X-ray radiation in combination can be used to study wood-moisture interactions and moisture flow in wood and wood-based materials.
In short, the project will develop the use of neutron and X-rays to detect moisture in wood in a variety of applications. These may include studies of differences between neutrons and X-rays in their ability to detect water in wood, how the wood material changes at the cellular level under changing humidity conditions, and development of experimental methods for measurement in applications such as wood drying, wood modification, and surface treatment and gluing of wood under altered moisture conditions. The project is carried out in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland, which has the world's leading research facilities for this type of study.
Project information
Subject: Neutron and X-ray imaging of wood
Time: May 2021 - May 2022