STINT Project - Joint Collaboration with China
National Natural Science Foundation. International (regional) cooperation and exchange projects (NSFC-STINT) with China University of Geosciences, School of Water Resources & Environment, Beijing.
The Cooperative Research Project Biogeochemical behaviour of pollutants released from non-ferrous metal mine wastes and development of efficient remediation technologies to prevent ARD is a three years project with aims to exchange experiences and competence on environmental methods to decrease the environmental impact of mining, between Chinese and Swedish researchers, PhD students and master students. The project includes mine sites visits, common field work and workshops in China and Sweden. The project started June 2017. The results are expected to lead to important contribution to the mitigation of the environmental effects of mining and increased mobility among researchers and students in both countries.
The first meeting was held in Luleå 21-27th of August. During the week we was visiting SMA Mineral, Boliden´s; mineral processing and waste management at Boliden, the remediated and on-going remediation at the closed mines, Kedträsk and Näsliden, respectively.
Researchers involved in the project:
- LTU-Applied geochemistry: Prof. Lena Alakangas (co-ordinator), Bernhard Dold Chair Professor, Post Doc Hanna Kaasalainen, PhD students; Elsa Nyström, Lina Hällström and Musah Salifu
- China University of Geosciences, School of Water Resources & Environment, Beijing: prof. Jun Yao, Associate Professor Fei Wang, Lecturer. Dr. Yunrong Dai, PhD students Xiaozhe Zhu and Yiyu Zhang
Lena Alakangas
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-491396
- Lena Alakangas