Packages for stakeholders
Architecture now offers packages to municipalities/authorities to develop knowledge about sustainable and attractive cities.
The package consists of the following separate modules:
Autumn (the municipality pays for students' transport and meals):
- architecture students at LTU (4th or 5th year students) and their teachers visit your municipality, collect data and together with you choose case studies of interest
- the students work with case studies and develop scenarios (in the Ark lab at LTU)
- students and teachers present results (either in Arklabbet at LTU or in your municipality)
Spring (the price depends on the number of hours, approx. 6/800 hours):
- Doctoral student works with data collected during the autumn
- workshops are organized to develop and test tools and methods
- work report is delivered to the municipality
Jing Ma
- Associate Senior Lecturer
- 0920-491668
- Jing Ma
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