Research projects on Architecture
Current projects
Transforming Legacy: The Evolution of Extractive Cultures in the European Arctic
The advancement of AI and automation is progressively displacing local and traditional knowledge. This shift is particularly noticeable in the Arctic, where technological developments in resource extraction shape the relationship to place. But what new forms of "intelligence" are emerging? What new ...
SICTA Forward: Behavioural design of young people’s mobility environments
Innovative strategies for the re-use and re-activation of the architectural heritage in Northern peripheral areas.
Sounding Urban Places
Education and collaboration to realize connected city, sector and society
This project aims to strengthen the members' and the trade association's work on preparing the installer in the role of main contractor. By developing and implementing courses corresponding to 15 higher education credits (hp) in a format and scope that enables studies in parallel with work, the memb...
Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Building Vertical Extension Possibilities in North Sweden
The project tries to address the current housing shortage and renovation deficit in Sweden by answering the following research questions: Where are the optimal locations to build additional floor(s) in the selected municipalities of Northern Sweden, based on multiple suitability factors? What will...
Scenario-based Suitability Analysis and Assessment on Snow Storage Possibilities
This project aims to find out optimal solutions for the city of Luleå to manage the challenges of urban snow (e.g., runoff, pollution, transportation costs) and use the potential benefits (e.g., cooling energy) based on multi-criteria suitability analysis using various snow storage scenarios.
Advancing Sustainable Building Research
This project spearheads a collaborative effort between the Neapolis University Pafos (NUP) and the Luleå University of Technology (LTU) to advance sustainable building research.
Green Inc project will focus on inclusive green transition in Skellefteå and other 4 European cities
Together with Skellefteå Municipality, we are partners in an EU project project that includes cities and universities in Amsterdam, Brussels, Turin, and Bucharest. The aim is to develop inclusive nature based solutions to deal with climate change and rapid urban growth.
RörLa - Moving Rural Areas
The project aims for call-controlled public transport in the pilot municipalities to include all available modes of transport for the best service to residents in rural areas.
Prosumers' perspectives in cultural heritage districts
Sweden's national goal, to achieve 100% renewable electricity production by 2040, is expected to drive production, for example, through solar cells closer to the end users with prosumage (producing, consuming and storage of renewable electricity). Our hypothesis is that the transition of a future de...
Fossil-free passenger transport in sparsely populated areas - from a passenger perspective
Transport plays an important role in a sustainable society. Today, transport is a major emitter of greenhouse gases and it is urgent to get away from the use of fossil fuels. At the same time, the role of transport for social sustainability is important, transport enables access to, for example, ser...
Architectural quality, design for circularity and design variation in wood façade systems
The thesis will as a point of departure use precious research on wood facade systems (made together with RISE, LTU and wood building industry in the far north).
Positive Energy Eco-Districts
Urban areas in Luleå and Boden will be part of a new study in Architecture in how smaller neighbourhoods or communities in cold climate can become Positive Energy Districts (PED).
Significance of planning factors for pedestrians
The overall purpose of the project is to study the question "What is the type of design and planning of the built environment that influences the choice to walk, and means an increased opportunity for the road user to walk, in a Swedish context?"
Completed projects
Architecture and design students contribute to the Venice Architecture Biennale
Arkitektur- och designstudenters arbeten från Luleå tekniska universitet visas på den internationell...
The project aims at exploring the potential of digital inventories of existing historic/traditional ...
Visualization of opportunities and obstacles to achieve sustainability goals in Norrbotten
This project aims to study and display the Norrbotten region's current situation regarding green tra...
Sustainable Planning of mining areas (MIN-SPIRE) is a project funded by the Hjalmar Lundbohm Researc...
Arctic Six Chair in Architecture & Planning
Smart and Sustainable Arctic Towns: aligning top-down and bottom-up urban sustainability in the Arct...
Ark 2024 – End of the year Exhibition
The exhibition aimed to promote dialogue on climate and economic transition in the Arctic from an ar...
Subsoil leveling
The project is about sustainable resource use of underground space, or planning the volume below the...
Read more on the project's external homepage.
System-integrated wise/smart city - Kiruna Sustainability Center
Cities and their built environment are made up of many layers of systems or structures, where system...
Cultural heritage processes in Luleå
In the project "Cultural Heritage Processes in Luleå" we investigate how the view of Luleå's cultura...
Collaboration between society, business and academia on sustainable urban development
Official visions, objectives and documents at all levels of municipal and regional planning are fill...
Cultural heritage processes in the built environment
The project "Cultural Heritage Processes in the Built Environment" is a study of the UNESCO World He...
Cultural auditing in structural transformations of urban environments
In the project "Cultural heritage assessment in structural transformations of urban environments" we...
A place to live - co-created, inclusive and attractive living environments
The People-Tools-Process-Place project develops knowledge and tools for accessible and attractive ci...
Architecture for attractive urban environments
The aim of the research project is to investigate and gain relevant knowledge about professional and...
Adaptation of spatial planning in the Torneträsk area due to climate change
A subproject within the interdisciplinary research project Climate change, impacts and adaptation in...
Nya Giron
Good Infrastructure for Regional Transformation and Business Development.
VRUITS - Vulnerable Road Users Intelligent Transport Systems
EU support for research on vulnerable road users.
VINKLA - Road processes in natural and cultural landscapes
When assessing natural and cultural values together with other aspects in road planning processes, i...
UppLyst Winter road maintenance
Collisions have occurred in connection with tandem plowing, i.e. when two plow trucks each plow a la...
Road Safety & Accessibility vs Operation & Maintenance
The project is implemented by mapping and concretizing road safety and accessibility measures and th...
Swedish standard for non-slip footwear
Luleå University of Technology has been commissioned by the Swedish Transport Administration to inve...
Spökförare – Ghost Drivers / Wrong Way Driving
In the project GRID - Ghost dRIver Detection, researchers at Luleå University of Technology will inv...
Collaborative processes, consultation and dialogue in road projects
The Swedish Road Administration and other public actors need to further develop methods that give ac...
Planning and design for increased walking
Systematic improvement of conditions in the outdoor environment for travelling on foot.
Motorcyclists' attitudes and risk awareness
In the EU project 2BeSafe, a sub-study called CRITIC (Common RIsk awareness measurement meThod for I...
Light test warning lights
A feasibility study on the visibility of warning lights on road work vehicles.
Integrated cycling infrastructure and networks - rural transport systems
The overall aim of the project is to promote cycling by creating well-functioning integrated cycling...
Sustainable transport
Safety, security and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists in small towns and villages.
Effects of investing in walking as a mode of transport
The overall aim of the project is to promote walking by demonstrating the effects, positive environm...
ALICE – Attractive Living in Cold Climate
At about the same time as the New Giron project was completed, Professor Maria Viklander, Urban Wate...
Road safety for cyclists in rural areas
Today, about 10-15% of Sweden's population lives in small towns, i.e. towns with fewer than 200 inha...