First projects funded within PRECISE
The first research projects within the Future area of sustainable precision health, PRECISE, are now starting. Close to SEK 5 million is distributed among 28 approved start-up projects. Together, the projects represent many aspects of precision health, from early diagnosis on molecular level to health promoting measures when renovating buildings.
More precise analysis tools for early diagnosis, more precise technology to identify exposures in the environment or behavioural changes in everyday life, proactive digital intervention programs, ensuring good indoor environments and health-promoting outdoor environments. These are just some of the topics for projects granted funding in the first call in the Future area PRECISE.
– These start-up projects will be an essential component of the future directions of PRECISE. It is a kick-start to further develop research in precision health at Luleå University of Technology and find new collaborations. The call generated a lot of interest, and high-quality applications, says Fredrik Nikolajeff, Professor in Medical Engineering, and scientific leader of PRECISE.
The project applications were assessed based on their relevance to precision health, the originality of the proposal as well as competence and complementarity of the team.
Out of 41 applicants, 28 projects were in all granted SEK 5 million. In 2023, calls are planned to open up for long-term funding and funding of doctoral students and post-docs. PRECISE is part of a five-year program of Future areas, to strengthen and position research at Luleå University of Technology.
The projects take place within all departments at Luleå University of Technology: Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering (SRT), Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics (TVM), Department of Health, Education and Technology (HLT), Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts (ETKS) and Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering (SBN).
Projects granted funding within PRECISE 2022:
Godecke-Tobias Blecken, SBN, Urban Water Engineering:
Which blue-green infrastructure implementation scenarios are best tailored to support public health.
Behzad Ghodrati, SBN, Drift och underhållsteknik:
Development and learning to use digital AI-based tools for prevention of workload injuries and improvement of the physical working environment - an intervention study
Kerstin Ramser, TVM, Fluid and Experimental Mechanics:
Noninvasive optical detection and investigation of blood related diseases.
Lars Nyberg, HLT, Physiotherapy:
Designing and evaluating precise interventions for life space mobility in old age.
Maria Larsson-Lund, HLT, Occupational therapy:
Strategies for Empowering activities in Everyday life (SEE): an early and precise internet- based self-management rehabilitation intervention in 1177 for people with long-term pain.
Lars-Göran Westerberg, TVM, Fluid Mechanics:
Microfluidie blood plasma separation for precision medicine near the patient.
Jun Zhao, TVM, Machine Elements:
Self-powered cardiovascular biosensors for wireless personalized precise health monitoring enabled by triboelectric nanogenerator.
Jeaneth Johansson, ETKS, Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
Precise Business Models for Digital Healthcare Solutions
Kevin Lau, CENE, Architecture and Water:
Active Urban Design for Physical Activity of Children (ACUDPAC).
Anneli Nyman, HLT, Occupational therapy:
Develop precise methods using technology to detect and evaluate daily activities in the Human Health and Activity lab.
Hrishikesh Chowdhury, SBN, Chemistry of Interfaces:
Spontaneous Formation of Carcinogen.
Mats Jakobsson, ETKS, Human Work Sciences:
The social space of health.
Oliya Abdullaeva, HLT, Medical Engineering:
Precision Health for Women with Chronic Conditions.
Arne Nykänen, SBN, Engineering Acoustics:
Healthy homes - a pilot study of wind farms' effects on health and well-being.
Malin Eneslätt, HLT, omvårdnad:
The DöBra cards 2.0: Co-creating a digital conversation tool for identifying individual end-of-life values and preferences to person-center end-of-life care and treatment.
Ylva Backman, HLT, Education:
Cross-disciplinary measurement of health and development for students with disabilities participating in dialogic interventions.
Ulrik Röijezon, HLT, Physiotherapy:
Remote supervised PRECISE rehabilitation for people with rheumatic arthritis using VR-technology.
Per Lindgren, SRT, Dependable Communication and Computation Systems:
Örjan Johansson, SBN, Engineering Acoustics:
The effects of noise characteristics on children with neurodevelopmental disorder and persons with hyperacusis focusing on school and public spaces regarding exclusion and health effects.
Sofia Lidelöw, SBN, Construction Management and Building Technology:
Thinking before renovating: Ex-ante assessment of indoor environment and health effects.
Vaibhav Sharma, HLT, Medical Engineering:
A Roadmap to Digital Assessment and Effective Management of Pain.
Oleg Antzutkin, SBN, Chemistry of Interfaces:
State-of-the-art infrared microscopy for molecular investigation of mechanisms.
Viktor Gardelli, HLT, Education:
Digital tools to promote precise health promoting interventions among persons with aphasia and other communication difficulties through facilitated dialogs.
Torbjörn Löfqvist, SRT, Electronic systems:
Development of thin finger-borne ultrasound array based on PMUT+ASIC technology.
Torbjörn Löfqvist, SRT, Electronic systems:
Multimodal photoacoustic sensor technology for simultaneous 2-D imaging and functionalization of tissue.
Solomon Oyelere, SRT, Pervasive and Mobile Computing:
Toward addressing mental health: personalized virtual reality and gamification intervention.
Anuttam Patra, SBN, Chemistry of Interfaces:
In search of Biocompatible and Bioactive Materials - International Collaborations.
Karin Zingmark, HLT, Nursing:
Early detection of dementia using AI.
Kevin Lau
- Senior Lecturer
- 0920-491492
- Kevin Lau