Previous dissertations in Education
Dissertations in education 1998-2019
Alerby, Eva (1998) Catching a thought. A phenomenological study of children and young people's thinking about the environment.
Hörnqvist, Maj-Lis (1999) Perceived competence. A phenomenological study of adolescents' experiences of their own competence in school work.
Sehlberg, Gunvor (1999) Elevinflytande i lärandet. A study of what happens when students have influence in their own learning and when students have different experiences of such influence.
Rehn, Siv (1999). Unintentional learning - the defense's lifeline? An examination of conscripts' learning during conscription training and the function of the conscription system in society.
Carlsson, Britta (1999) Ecological Understanding. A Space of Variation.
Numan, Ulf (1999) A good teacher. Some perspectives and empirical contributions.
Sjøvoll, Jarle (1999) Room for all - vision for each individual. Studier av implementeringen av individuelle opplæringsplaner i norsk skole.
Marusarz, Marika (1999). Wisdom in an age perspective. A phenomenological-hermeneutic study.
Öhrling, Kerstin (2000). Being in the space for teaching-and-learning. The meaning of precentorshil in nurse education.
Brekke, Mary (2000). Teacher education in the north. A historical case through three time periods.
Lundmark, Elisabeth (2000) Uppdrag lärande & IT? Local utvecklingsambition på skolans arena.
Söderlund, Anders (2000). Det lange mötet - IT och skolan: om spridning och anammande av IT i den svenska skolan.
Jernström, Elisabeth (2000). Learning under the same hat. A learning theory generated from multi-method studies of masters, journeymen and apprentices.
Nilsson, Leif (2000) Trusting your power of action. The importance of a mentoring program for fourteen women's managerial careers.
Johansen, Jan-Birger (2000). "Du berga livet på kar´n". Interpersonal relations between teacher and student in today's school.
Hansson, Thomas (2000). The Heart of Learning Organizations: Exploring Competence for Change in Schools.
Vesterlund, Lena Lundberg (2001). Wandering in the landscape of composing: three studies of composing with the help of computers and music technology.
Munkhammar, Ingmarie (2001) Från samverkan till integration: arena för gömda contradictions och förgivet tagna sanningar: en studie av hvordan förskollärare, fritidspedagoger och lärare formar en samverkan.
Wikström, Anna (2002) Från görande till rikare lärande: en aktionsforskningsstudie av två arbetslags arbete med naturvetenskap i skolår 1-6. (Lic.avhandling).
Drugge, Christina (2003). Omsorgsinriktat lärande: en studie om lärande i hemtjänsten.
Kristén, Lars (2003) Possibilities offered by interventional sports programs to children and adolescents with physical disabilities: an explorative and evaluative study.
Eklund, Monica (2003) Intercultural learning: intentions and realities in Swedish primary schools since the 1960s.
Danell, Mats (2003). What happens in the school house? How teachers perceive and shape students' influence (Lic.thesis).
Forsman, Arne (2003). Skolans texter mot mobbning: reella styrdokument eller hyllvärmare?
Vikström, Anna (2005) A seed for learning: a variation theory study of teaching and learning in primary school biology.
Wikgren, Gretha (2005). Dialogen som styrningsfilosofi och dess gestaltning i praxis (Lic.avhandling) Danell, Mats (2006) På tal om elevinflytande: hur skolans praktik formas i pedagogers samtal.
Fors, Vaike (2006). The Missing Link in Learning in Science Centers.
Lindström, Lisbeth (2006) The leisure sector: a state challenge. (Lic.thesis)
Jonsson, Gunnar (2007). Mångsynthet och mångfald. Om lärarstudenters förståelse av och undervisning för hållbar utveckling.
Hertting, Krister (2007). The fragile union between competition and humanity. On leadership and learning processes in children's soccer.
Groth, Dennis (2007) Uppfattningar om specialpedagogiska insatser: aspekter ur elevers och spesialallärares perspektiv.
Hurtig, Maria (2007). Jag vågar visa att jag kan: om meningsskapande med digitala portföljer.
Thorgersen, Ketil (2007) Unspoken truths: about aesthetics in Swedish schools (Lic.thesis).
Jannok-Nutti, Ylva (2007). Mathematical thinking in the Sami culture: based on thestories of Sami craftsmen and reindeer her ders (Lic.thesis).
Gedda, Oskar (2008) Perspectives on teaching in a university environment: a study of teachers' intentions and actions. (Lic.thesis).
Bergmark, Ulrika (2009). Building an Ethical Learning Community in Schools.
Lindström, Lisbeth (2009). Leisure Activities and Youth Citizenship: What Local Councils Tell about Youths' Leisure from the Perspective of Citizenship on Their Homepages.
Öqvist, Anna (2009). Skolvardagens genusdramaturgi: en studie av hur femininiteter och mascululiniteter görs i år 5 med en särskilt fokus på benämningar som hora och kärring.
Jannok-Nutti, Ylva (2010). Ripsteg mot spetskunskap i samisk matematik: lärares perspektiv på transformationsaktiviteter i samisk förskola och sameskola.
Ekberg, Niclas (2012). Teachers' encounters with social media: applications in need of explanations.
Westman, Susanne (2014) Ambiguities and Intertwinings in Teachers' Work: Existential Dimensions in the Midst of Experience and Global Trends.
Gedda, Oskar (2014) Educational Culture: learning in higher education.
Grape, Monica (2015). Ny i klassen: Om införande och användning av pekplattan i skolan ur ett elevperspektiv (Lic.avhandling).
Andersson, Ninnie (2016). Communication and Shared Understanding of Assessment: A Phenomenological Study of Assessment in Swedish Upper Secondary Dance Education.
Backman, Ylva (2016). Students' Reasoning about Learning and Well-Being in School on the Epistemic Privilege of Swedish Early Adolescent Students.
Gardelli, Viktor (2016). To Describe, Transmit or Inquire: Ethics and Technology in School.
Hagström, Erica (2018). Between man and horse: Animal-becoming in the interstices of the educational relationship.
Lindberg, Greta (2019). Leading a challenging school mission in change: Principals' leadership in equality work.
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