Research projects on Education
Current projects
Literacy: Successful practices and teaching methods to promote students' reading engagement and literacy.
How can teachers promote students' reading engagement and literacy? Researchers in education want to find out in close collaboration with teachers in Piteå municipality. The Läskraft project has been awarded a grant from the School Research Institute totaling SEK 4.5 million over three years.
Food Education for the Future
How can teachers and schools participate in creating a future sustainable food production in northern Scandinavia? Researchers from Luleå University of Technology will find out together with the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, Kalix municipality and actors in Finland and Norway in a large...
Mind the body
Improving the quality of education by promoting well-being
The project "BRIDGE: Building Resilient compulsory schools through an IntegrateD and EmpowerinG approach to wEll-being" is a collaborative project between Luleå University of Technology, Luleå municipality, Sweden Emilia Romagna Network (Sweden-Italy) and Universidad de Granada (Spain) together with...
Health development of students with intellectual disabilities through philosophical conversations
The project "Philosophical conversations in adapted primary school" aims to increase knowledge about the impact of participation in philosophical conversations on the development of socio-emotional and existential health in children in adapted primary school.
Boys' grades in art
In this project, we want to take a closer look at the reasons why boys' grades are lower than girls' in the visual arts. The aim of the study is to develop areas of work in the visual arts that increase boys' results in the subject.
Male network in preschool
The ULF project is based on a common need among employers and higher education institutions to increase and broaden the recruitment of potential preschool teacher students, preschool teachers and childcare workers. The project intends to analyze the importance of gender in relation to preschool teac...
Interdisciplinary teaching for sustainable development
The project will develop and study cross-curricular teaching that has the potential to encourage students to question, explore and formulate new courses of action on issues related to sustainable development. Through action research, Råneskolan's teachers will gain increased knowledge about how teac...
Completed projects
Graduate School of Philosophical Studies of Educational Relationships
The graduate school brought together educational and philosophical research at four Swedish universi...
Education for participation - philosophizing back to a 'new' life after acquired brain injury
The research project "Education for participation - philosophizing back a 'new' life after acquired ...
Strengthening the educational leadership of the principal to increase the safety and well-being of students
The aim is to investigate, at an overall level, how a head teacher can contribute to promoting and p...
When the whole heart is involved
The purpose of the R&D project is to 1) develop forms of collaboration between the academy and the b...
Does it have to be fun all the time?
In the project we will work with and research student motivation. What is it that actually motivates...
Action project in collaboration with preschool principals
The aim is to create in-depth knowledge about management and control of the systematic quality work ...