ACE hackathon - Energy futures of northern Sweden
- Goal 1: Produce stories (based on imaginary futures) that create discussion and dialogue among people who live and work in Skellefteå. In this way create a more just transition and conditions for a more sustainable future. Delivery:Book in English.
- Goal 2: Competence building. We learn from each other (within the project) and from colleagues at Arizona State University (ASU). ASU is a world leader in sustainable development, and strong when it comes to interdisciplinary work around future issues. Delivery: Strengthened cooperation between the actors in ACE (including industry partners).
- Goal 3: Identify how imaginary futures can be used to discuss the energy transition.
Funding: ACE and Vinnova
Partners: RISE and all ACE partners
Duration: 2023
Contact person: Anna Krook-Riekkola