Energy system analysis
The research is targeted at the transition to a sustainable future, including but not limited to, studies related to new technologies, process integration and policy measures, as well as to overall energy systems aspect on local, urban, national and supranational level.
Areas of expertise
Process analysis and integration
Research area: Development and application of systematic methods and tools to study the reasons for the results obtained in the evaluation of the performance indices (Pinch analysis, exergy analysis, thermo-economic analysis).
Research objective: Understand the critical design parameters that can be manipulated to achieve better performance according to the considered point of view.
Process modeling and simulation
Research area: Studies of energy systems, individual energy plants, components and sub-processes using models at different level of detail to retrieve the required information (ASPEN process modeling, MATLAB/Simulink, CFD, reMIND…).
Research objective: Evaluate the technological, economic, design and environmental impact of different technologies and provide information for systematic analysis methods and tools.
Research area: Application of algorithms to manipulate the structure and the parameters of the models; choice of the most appropriate algorithm for a specific optimization problem (mathematical programming, evolutionary algorithms and hybrid algorithms).
Research objectives: Find the best configuration of energy system, individual energy plant or sub-process with respect to one or more objectives (multiobjective optimization with Pareto techniques).
Multi-aspect technology evaluation
Research area: Assessment of energy systems and individual energy plants, with focus on emerging technologies and concepts, in terms of e.g. energy efficiency, economic viability (profitability and investment requirement), greenhouse gas performance, technology maturity (TRL), and production potential.
Research goal: Systematic evaluation of techno-economic and environmental performance of different technologies to provide knowledge and information for decision makers within e.g. policy-making and industry.
Spatial modeling and analysis
Research area: Cost-efficient localization of biorefineries and other energy plants with regard to energy demand, integration possibilities, plant sizes and logistics for raw materials and products, under medium- to long-term scenarios of socio-economic, technological and demographic factors.
Research objective: To understand opportunities and obstacles to reach renewable energy targets; opportunities for industrial transformation.
Regional systems analysis
Research area: Comprehensive cross-sectorial energy system optimisation modelling using TIMES based models. Providing local & regional governments with analysis of transition pathways to a carbon-neutral low-emission sustainable energy system. Strong focus on also transportation.
Research goal: Develop tools that can support municipalities and counties in their work of reaching ambitious emission targets and other sustainable development goals.
National system analysis
Research area: Analysis of how limited resources can be allocated in order to minimize total system costs; Comprehensive cross-sectorial energy system modeling using TIMES-Sweden; Studies of future national energy development based on mediumto long-term scenarios of socio-economic, technological and demographic factors.
Research objectives: Understand energy system change and development under different scenarios; Policy analysis; Environmental analysis; Decision support.
Policy analysis
Research area: To examine and evaluate critical aspects of the energy transition by combining quantitative scenario analysis, using TIMES-Sweden, and qualitative analysis of barriers in implementing the cost-efficient pathways identified in the model generated scenarios.
Research objective: Evaluating current, proposed and other potential policies aimed to reach a sustainable energy system and carbon neutral society.
TIMES based models to analyze the energy transition
Research area: Develop TIMES-based models, further develop existing models and develop the use of the models in order to support decision-makers regarding the ongoing energy and climate transition. TIMES models are used to study an energy transition. The main focus is on TIMES-Sweden, which includes both energy supply, end-use sectors and material flows that interact with the energy system. In addition to TIMES-Sweden, we develop local TIMES models and participate in international model collaborations.
Research objective: Using models to support the transition towards a sustainable energy system with reduced climate impact.
Current projects
REFORM - Renewable hydrogen production and storage through biotechnological interconversion of carbon dioxide and formic acid
The aim is to develop a new concept that uses microorganisms and enzymes to store/release hydrogen in/from formic acid made from CO2.
H2AMN – Hydrogen, ammonia and methanol in hydrogen hubs in the Nordic region
The aim is to analyze the potential for hydrogen-based fuel pathways (focusing on hydrogen, ammonia and electromethanol) in the Nordic region based on three case studies of energy hubs, focusing on ports, in different Nordic locations.
Sustainable Hydrogen - Potential for Bothnia Gulf Cluster
The aim is to develop new generic knowledge on how a long-term robust and sustainable hydrogen system can be developed around the Gulf of Bothnia.
FINAST – Research and innovation in Norrbotten for advanced green steel production and manufacturing
Through industrial research and cooperation with the steel industry and the surrounding society, the aim is to contribute knowledge and tools to enable the transition to climate-neutral steel production and use.
A sustainable biological treatment of landfill leachate for nutrients recycling and biohydrogen production
Aim: Waste management and useful products from microalgae.
Costs for reducing GHG emissions from road and air transport with biofuels and electrofuels
The aim is to provide an updated analysis of the production costs of different biofuel pathways in relation to potential greenhouse gas emission reductions.
From Trash to Cash
Expansion of biorefinery feedstock supply by mobilization of woody residues from multifunctional silviculture treatments and marginal land operations.
Trees For Me (Center of Excellence)
The aim is to ensure sustainable biomass production from fast-growing hardwoods with security and flexibility of supply and quality, while reducing trade-offs and ensuring efficient and sustainable value chains for wood-based raw materials and fuel assortments.
CESTAP (Center of Excellence)
The vision is for CESTAP to transform the aviation and power generation sectors so that continuous combustion engines can be powered by 100% sustainable turbine fuels. The focus is on sustainable turbine fuels from raw materials that are readily available in Sweden, to achieve security of supply.
Methanol to jet
The overall objective is to explore and demonstrate novel catalysts for the direct conversion of biomethanol to distillate for upgrading to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
Flexible bioeconomy
The aim is to facilitate large-scale investments in forest-based biorefineries by identifying flexible value chains and technologies that provide robustness in the face of uncertain future markets.
Climate polices for transformative changes in new sustainable supply chains – From ore to vehicles
The aim is to investigate which new policy instruments and/or changes to existing policy instruments can help accelerate the decarbonization of the supply chain from iron ore extraction to vehicle production.
ACE hackathon - Energy futures of northern Sweden
OSMET 3.0 – Utilization of organic sludge in metal industry
The overall objectives are to verify previously developed concepts for upgrading and using residues generated from pulp and paper mills in metallurgical applications, with a focus on industrial implementation.
Circular flows and competing targets – Synergies and conflicts in the energy transition
The overall objectives are to disentangle and illustrate complex relationships within the energy system and in particular the industrial sector. The focus is on 'use of' and 'competition for' biogenic resources and biogenic CO2 emissions, applying systems analysis to create better conditions for a t...
Future transportation – Consequences for humans, energy systems and society
The overall objectives are to explore and analyze the implications of future transport transition scenarios for the energy system and to provide policy-relevant insights based on a deeper understanding of how technologies, policies and individual attitudes and incentives interact to shape the transi...
Model support in climate policy decision-making processes: managing uncertainty and complexity
The aim is to generate new knowledge on how optimization models and scenario practices, for evaluating climate policies and their impacts, can deal with fundamental uncertainty and complexity in more transparent ways.
The Swedish City'stransiton to a Sustainable Energy System–Canmodelssupport the decision-makingprocess?
Smart waste treatment in a circular economy (SMACK)
Urban Refinery - Making use of the useless
IEA Bioenergy Task 33
Bio4Energy – Systems analysis and bioeconomy platform