Methanol to jet
The overall objective is to explore and demonstrate novel catalysts for the direct conversion of biomethanol to distillate for upgrading to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
Quantify the resource efficiency, production costs and GHG performance of the entire methanol to jet fuel value chain, using other comparable biofuel production pathways (e.g. ATJ-SPK and FT-SPK) as reference points.
Evaluate the indirect and direct benefits of value chain flexibility, including different options for the production of renewable methanol (methanol based on gasification and electromethanol) and the feasibility of introducing product flexibility to reduce market risks.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency (Total 6.1 MSEK, LTU EnE: 800 kSEK)
Partners: RISE and Topsoe
Duration: 2021-2023
Contact person: Elisabeth Wetterlund