OSMET 3.0 – Utilization of organic sludge in metal industry
The overall objectives are to verify previously developed concepts for upgrading and using residues generated from pulp and paper mills in metallurgical applications, with a focus on industrial implementation.
- Industrial symbiosis applied to maximize the value chain of industrial residues, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation, minimizing landfilling of residues and saving natural resources.
- Pilot and industrial tests
- Development of business models at company and ecosystem level to lay a solid foundation for the newly configured industrial ecosystem.
Luleå University of Technology: evaluate opportunities for Swedish hydrocarbon production based on suitable available substrates and industrial integration.
Funding: VINNOVA (Total 19 MSEK, LTU EnE: 1,9 MSEK)
Partners: Swerim, KTH, RISE, Höganäs, Outokumpu Stainless, Ingelia, GRuKonsult, SMA Mineral, StoraEnso Paper
Duration: 2021-2023
Contact person: Elisabeth Wetterlund