The Swedish City'stransiton to a Sustainable Energy System–Canmodelssupport the decision-makingprocess?
- Energy system models can support the energy transition to a more sustainable energy system, by supporting WHAT is required (energy resources and technology), WHERE in the energy system (in which sectors and for what purposes) and WHEN (in which order). Working with models creates good system understanding. However, models are extremely complex and require expert competence.
- The main aim is therefore to identify if/how system understanding from the models can reach those who work with the transformation in practice. The purpose is fulfilled by allowing politicians and officials at local level to learn from different types of material (report, lecture, lab material), to investigate which form of communication that provides the best system understanding.
- We also explore if system understanding increases if the illustrated city is the practitioners’ own.
- We use Gällivareand Malmö as Case studies.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency (MESAM - Människa Energi och SAMhälle) (Total 5,5 MSEK)
Duration: 2018-2023
Contact person: Anna Krook-Riekkola