About us on Human Work Science
Occupational science is an interdisciplinary subject that includes research on work environment, technology, production systems, organization, environment and societal processes based on human conditions and needs to create safe and attractive jobs and socially sustainable development in working life and society.
The research is interdisciplinary, with close cooperation between engineers and sociologists. Many research projects are carried out together with the other research topics in the Division of Humans and Technology or other research groups, both nationally and internationally. Some of the projects are theoretical, while others are more applied. The projects are often need-driven, conducted in collaboration with stakeholders in the society. The research deals with industrial companies, service companies and other organizations and stakeholders in the private, public and voluntary sectors. We currently have projects in the areas of mining, construction, manufacturing, health care and secondary and vocational education. Our research is funded by various governmental research funds, sometimes with partial funding from businesses and other organizations. We also have projects funded by the EU (Horizon 2020).
Postgraduate education is a high priority and so far Human Work Sciences has examined 104 doctors. Our PhD-students typically work in one or more of our research projects and write her/his articles and thesis as part of this.
Our teaching in the master of science program in Industrial Design Engineering deals with production design with a human work science base, i.e. development of technology and organization for sustainable and efficient production systems with good work environment. We also have bachelor and master programs in sociology (with specializations in human work science, HRM and investigation). We also do commissioned programs in several of our areas.
Today, Human Work Science employs 25 researchers and teachers, including 8 PhD-students. In addition, one guest professor and four adjunct professors and four PhD-students with external employment are related to the research group.
Today, Human Work Science employs 25 researchers and teachers, including 8 PhD-students. In addition, one guest professor and four adjunct professors and four PhD-students with external employment are related to the research group.
We investigate how people are affected by technology, organization, work environment and society, but also how people develop and evolve from these. Both consequences and development. Both problems and opportunities. Our research results contribute in various ways to safe and attractive jobs, resilient and sustainable development in working life and society.
In addition to our doctoral education, we have work science teaching in the Master of Science in Engineering program Technical design is about sustainable production development with a work science base, that is, the design of technology and organization for sustainable and efficient production systems with a good working environment. In the fall of 2023, our new MSc program Sustainable Production will start ! We also have a bachelor's program in sociology with specializations such as work science, personnel management / HR and investigation. We also offer contract education in several of our areas, such as work environment technician.
In addition to the subject of work science, work science research is conducted in the subjects of psychology, design, product innovation, technical acoustics, operation and maintenance, construction production and health sciences.
Knowledge of people in work, working life and society.
We investigate how people are affected by technology, organization, work environment and society, but also how people develop and evolve from these. Both consequences and development. Both problems and opportunities. Our research results contribute in various ways to safe and attractive jobs, resilient and sustainable development in working life and society.
People's place in the green and digital transformation
Our current research projects concern mining, forestry, steel, construction, engineering, trade, health care, schools, academia, municipalities and regions, and overall working life and society. Many relate to the green and digital transition. Some of the projects are close to the workplace and in collaboration with actors affected by the research. Other projects have a critical and more theoretical basis. Several of the research projects are conducted together with other research groups, both nationally and internationally. The research is mostly externally funded with funds from government research councils (e.g. Forte, Vinnova), EU research programmes and other research funders (e.g. AFA, HUR, BFUF, SBUF, TVV) and sometimes with partial funding from companies, organizations and authorities.
Interdisciplinarity, holistic approach and broad perspectives
Our researchers are active in Luleå University of Technology's future areas, such as Creaternity, SUN and Precise. We are also active in several external networks. One example is FALF, Forum for Working Life Research, which is a national network for researchers in work science and related areas. FALF runs a national graduate school in work science, arranges an annual national conference, awards an annual prize for the best dissertation, etc. Another example is Workplace-related research and development for sustainable workplaces, AFoU, which is a national network to strengthen workplace-related R&D.
Education in work science
In addition to our doctoral education, we have work science teaching in the Master of Science in Engineering program Technical design is about sustainable production development with a work science base, that is, the design of technology and organization for sustainable and efficient production systems with a good working environment. In the fall of 2023, our new MSc program Sustainable Production will start ! We also have a bachelor's program in sociology with specializations such as work science, personnel management / HR and investigation. We also offer contract education in several of our areas, such as work environment technician.
More work science research at Luleå University of Technology
In addition to the subject of work science, work science research is conducted in the subjects of psychology, design, product innovation, technical acoustics, operation and maintenance, construction production and health sciences.
Technology on human terms
- Sociotechnical perspectives.
- Human - technology - organization
- Work environment, accidents, risk and safety.
- Occupational health, safety and health and safety management.
- Health, ergonomics and workplace analysis
- Planning and design of workplaces and technology.
- Gender perspectives are included in several of the projects.
Work and organization
- Learning, competences, organizational learning.
- Organizational work environment, workplace culture, safety culture.
- Gender, equality, intersectional perspectives.
- Professions, occupations, workplaces
- Leadership, participation, methods of change, innovation and development.
- Critical, theoretical and applied perspectives.
Working life and society
- Labor market, sectors, professions, trade unions.
- Education, skills development, skills supply.
- Socially sustainable development in working life and society, regional development.
- Power-critical perspectives, gender equality, gender, intersectional perspectives.
- Historical perspectives, youth, migration, drugs,
- Cold climate, Arctic.