Laboratory and Equipment on Human Work Science
LTU Design lab
is a research laboratory for industrial research in which the interaction between humans and technology of the future is in focus. LTU Design lab will push forward the development of new profitable products, production methods and services that are better adapted to human needs. Activities are based on research in industrial design, engineering psychology, production and organization and gender. Through close interaction between these research areas have Luleå University created a world-class laboratory.
Depict Lab
(Decision, Emotion, Perception & Cognition Laboratory) is a behavioural lab with equipment for objective data collection at LTU. Via Depict Lab, we can measure and interpret human cognitive processes and how thought processes then are transformed into action. The equipment is part of a procurement process (during 2016) but will include a central synchronization system of data, eye-trackers: stationary and mobile (i.e. goggles), EEG-sensors, other biophysical sensors and probably a face reader and motion capture. Depict LAB consists of three stationary but flexible laboratory environments. The environments are adjustable since they should fit many different research settings, including Human-Robot Interaction, Human-Human Interaction, Human-Computer Interaction and more. The Depict LAB also includes a mobile laboratory setting that could be brought out into field research. Data can for example be collected in a process control room or in a car driving on real roads.