Research Projects on Human Work Science
Current projects
From recession to success – the effects of the 'new industrialization' in a small local community in the county of Norrbotten 2007-2026.
Kan träning av hjärnan minska risken för att äldre faller? Det vill forskare i fysioterapi vid Luleå tekniska universitet ta reda på. I rörelselabbet undersöks både kognitiv förmåga och balans hos äldre, samt hur dessa kan påverkas genom träningsprogram.
SafeMine PhD-Programme
Educating the Mine Health and Safety Workforce of Tomorrow
Produktion 4.0
Produktion 4.0 syftar till att stärka konkurrenskraften och stötta den digitala strukturomvandlingen hos tillverkande industriella SMF i norra Sverige genom att öka företagens insikt i, kunskap om och förmåga att effektivisera sina produktionssystem.
The purpose of the project is to improve workplace safety in the mining industry based on practices, strategies and principles gathered from Swedish and international mining companies. The goal of the project is to develop strategies and proactive indicators aimed at improving safety management and,...
EquaStream will showcase and increase understanding about gender bias and structural challenges that women face in their career development. The overall goal of the project is to strive for excellence in research through gender equal and inclusive collaborations and strategic partnerships and thus i...
The large EU project NEXGEN SIMS, Next Generation Carbon Neutral Pilots for Smart Intelligent Mining Systems, is about developing tomorrow's technology for carbon neutral mining. This includes development of battery-powered underground machines, development of 5G infrastructure, navigation systems f...
ATTRACT - Roadmap for attractive, inclusive and safe mining
Human work science at Luleå University of Technology has started a research project, titled ATTRACT, which aims to produce a road map for attractive, inclusive and safe mining work. The project is financed by Vinnova's program for Swedish Mining Innovation and is conducted together with LKAB, Bolide...
Completed projects
Teachers’ working conditions in times of competition, choice and privatisation
The full project name: Teachers’ working conditions in times of competition, choice and privatisatio...
Smart Unions for New Industry
The aim of this project, entitled SUNI (Smart Unions for New Industry), is to strengthen the capacit...
Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems (SIMS)
SIMS stands for Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems and is a major research and development proje...
Risk and safety in the construction industry
When comparing with other industrial operations, the construction industry is high in the injury sta...
Roadmap for reducing accidents in the Swedish mining industry
The Swedish mining industry has witnessed a substantial drop in lost time injury frequency rates in ...
Towards an A-team and a B-team?
Current reports show that teachers experience the worst psychosocial work environment among all occu...
I2Mine (Innovative Technologies and Concepts for the Intelligent Deep Mine of the Future) is Europea...
Future operator
Luleå University of Technology and Chalmers shall develop future tools for the 150 000 operators whi...
The construction industry's needs of external work environment services
Today, many construction companies use the services of occupational health care to a very limited ex...
Boost or brake? Conditions for learning in the context of health care sector staffing agency nursing
The project Boost or brake is a 4 year project (2017-2020), funded by FORTE. The aim of the project ...
Social, technical and environmental structures are important for sustainable development. Infrastruc...
Attract – Attractive and sustainable cities in cold climates
Sustainable building includes social, economic, ecological and technical aspects. Within the interdi...
Attractive workplaces through Industry 4.0
Kan träning av hjärnan minska risken för att äldre faller? Det vill forskare i fysioterapi vid Luleå...
Academic (un)employment and Mobility in the Arctic North
Full project name: Academic (un)employment and Mobility in the Arctic North - A Joint Socially Respo...
Unaccompanied asylum-seeking refugee children in Luleå municipality
In 2018, a special opportunity was given for unaccompanied asylum-seeking refugee children to apply ...