The green tourist of tomorrow: The young generations' perspective on sustainable travel
Tourism in Sweden has good opportunities to continue to grow, but is facing major challenges associated with environmentally sustainable development. An important part of the change towards more sustainable tourism is the behaviour and attitudes of the young generations. The project "The green tourist of tomorrow", which runs from 2020 to 2022, aims to create new knowledge about Generation Y and Z's needs, motivation and behaviours when it comes to environmentally sustainable tourism. The R&D Fund of the Swedish Tourism & Hospitality Industry (BFUF) is funding the project.
The overall aim of the project is to create new knowledge about Generation Y and Z's needs, motivation and behaviours regarding environmentally sustainable tourism, and to provide suggestions on how environmental sustainability can be communicated to reach these consumers, nationally and internationally.
Research questions concern the importance of sustainability in the choices that consumers in generation Y & Z make before and during holiday trips; the extent to which they disseminate information on sustainability aspects; and their perceptions of destinations in Sweden with regard to sustainability.
The project studies the perspectives of young tourists through in-depth interviews, surveys and experiments with people between the ages of 13 and 40; i.e. within generation Z and Y. Through a combination of methods, target groups are reached at different ages and in several countries, and the results can provide both statistics and richer, qualitative data as a basis for decision-making. The project is carried out in collaboration with a reference group where different types of actors in the tourism and hospitality industry are included.
- Professor Maria Ek Styvén, project manager
- Senior Lecturer Kerry Chipp
- Doctoral student Jenny Nilsson Vestola
Reference group
Luleå Business Region
Swedish Lapland Visitors Board
Kalmar County Council