SmartIES is an energy saving project focusing on solutions in homes and transportations with the objective to innovate on technical energy solutions that are tested in real life settings.
CDT has a role as leader of the creation of a theoretical framework for Living Lab Cases and Living Lab Operations. The SmartIES co-partners include energy solutions companies, IT companies, design companies and cities from all participating countries. The approach used for this project is the Living Lab Methodology FormIT. Using a Living Lab methodology in innovation means that we are involving the end users in the whole innovation process from idea to final service/product. During 2011 end-users have participated in and contributed to needfinding and idea generation, to formatting the ideas with the developers in workshops, to testing the solution and give feedback for further development. The developers are able to develop an energy saving solution based on the user needs, te4st the solution in different markets and bring the solution to market faster than normal with solid references from actual end-users. Finally, the poject aims to create a Nordic citizen innovator user-pole for smart city evolution.
Project period: October 2010 - December 2012