Completed projects
Unimob in Luleå in cooperation with Son Of a Gun Music and CDT will develop a mobile-based music gam...
Communication Concepts for Challenging Contexts.
The strategic objective is to establish a platform for developing a competitive tourist sector based...
Öppet Manus – User-Created theatre
Plan Sju in Luleå together with Norrbottensteatern and CDT will create an IT service where people ca...
CoreLabs will coordinate the human-centric research, development and innovation processes ("Living L...
Open Living Labs Sweden
Swedish organizations, "LivingLabs", Collaborating on user driven innovation of ICT-based services.
Musis II
Multicast Services and Information in Sweden.
Mobile Symbios
Mobil Symbios is based on open innovation environments called Living Labs and how such an environmen...
SATIN-2 aims to simplify creation of mobile services - apps.
TEFIS (TEstbed for Future Internet Services) is a large-scale integrating project addressing the FP7...
Panlab II
Panlab II addresses the need for large-scale testing facilities in the communications area by implem...
Steinkjer Living Lab
Steinkjer Living Lab is a knowledge transfer project where Botnia Living Lab offers its knowledge an...
Virtual European Parliament
VEP project aims at integrating young EU citizens from 3 different regions (Lulea, Barcelona, Flande...
The SMART project explores the concept of "reaction media", allowing individuals to easily and direc...
Mobile Shield 2014
Mobile Shield or Real-time security shield for mobile platforms, is a project with the objective to...
USEMP (User Empowerment for Enhanced Online Presence Management) is a project funded by EU FP7 with ...
Save Energy
The SAVE Energy project (2009-2011) is focused on how to reduce the energy consumption in public bui...
Smart Campus
Smart Campus is an energy saving projects on campus. LTU-CDT participates together with partners fro...
Cassandra aims to develop a decision support platform for energy saving in households.
The project shall through the use of user participation, with school children and teachers at Tunask...
SmartIES is an energy saving project focusing on solutions in homes and transportations with the obj...
The Apollon project had the aim to conduct cross-border Living Lab Pilots focused on how to harmoniz...
Ear-IT is an ongoing research project at the Centre for Distance-Spanning Technology at Luleå Univer...
IoT Lab
IoT Lab is a FP7 research project exploring the potential of crowdsourcing to extend IoT testbed inf...
OrganiCity is a EU project with € 7.2m in funding that puts people at the center of the development ...
Privacy Flag
The project Privacy Flag aims to protect citizens' privacy with user-friendly tools for interaction ...
SMARTBUY intends to provide the technological infrastructure for small and medium sized retailers to...
End-user and societal acceptance is critical to the success of the IoT large-scale pilots. U4IoT com...
Smarta Hållbara Byar
Smart Sustainable Villages is a feasibility study for a later implementation project.