Research projects on Law
Current projects
Out of the shadows: a routine for the inclusion of Sami villages in the reconsideration of the environmental conditions of hydropower
The purpose of the project is to translate new research on Sami rights and resource management into a routine that will facilitate responsible authorities to work with the inclusion of Sami issues and Sami villages in the upcoming review process for hydropower
Planning for social sustainability in indigenous areas (PlanIT)
The project aims to explore different paths to social sustainability through strategic and participatory landscape planning with a focus on studying good examples from other countries with indigenous peoples
Scaling Up
In this interdisciplinary research project, we explore how participatory and strategic community planning could help mitigate land use conflicts during the new industrialization (green transition) taking place in northern Sweden. We particularly focus on mining establishments on reindeer pastures.
Completed projects
Indigenous rights and nature protection in Fennoscandinavia
The Research Network “The Nordic Research Network for Sámi and Indigenous Peoples Law” (NORSIL)
Realisation of Sami rights: International comparative research
Indigenous Rights and the Global Politics of Resource Extraction: The Case of Mining in Sápmi
The project aims to analyse the increasingly complicated natural resource extraction on indigenous t...
Deconstructing structural inequality: Gender equality in reindeer herding communities
Aims to gain knowledge about unequal relations between men and women in reindeer husbandry in Finlan...
Sami traditional livelihoods, competing land uses, competing legal sources (SaCC)
The aim is to propose improvements in the legal framework concerning the relationship between, on th...