Age on Stage – Dance as an Artistic Form of Expression for the Elderly
Anyone can express themselves through dance. A person's body is always the starting point for an expression, regardless of shape, conditions or context. The study examines people over the age of 65 as they share ideas in and through dance as an artistic form of expression. The specific purpose of the study is to analyse and describe the phenomenon of “Age on stage” – older people's experiences of dance as an artistic form of expression.
Preparation for, participation in and reflection on dance workshops led by Charlotta Öfverholm, constitute situations that are documented and analysed from a phenomenological perspective. The focus of the investigation is on possibilities, limitations, expectations, conditions, visions, traditions, and aesthetic experience and communication. Direction, emotions, movement, participation, presence and inclusion are concepts that are elaborated on during the course of the study.
Workshops are observed and documented using field notes and video footage. Selected participants are interviewed, and all write reflections before, during and after the workshops. The collected material is analysed with the aim of describing the study's phenomenon. Film and text are used in all phases of the study, which constitutes a form of Arts Based Research.