Research projects on Musical Performance
Current projects
Music of the Indeterminate Place
Music of the Indeterminate Place: telematic performance and composition intersecting physical and networked spaces.
GEMM (Gesture, Embodiment and Machines in Music) was founded in 2018 and is led by Professor Stefan Östersjö. The research cluster conducts interdisciplinary research on interactivity in musical creation in collaboration with research centers in Europe and the USA.
Room for Interpretation – a research project on musicianship and room acoustics
The artistic research project “Room for Interpretation – a research project on musicianship and room acoustics supported by the Swedish Research Council”, investigates the relationship between musical interpretation and concert hall acoustics.
Completed projects
Researching Music Teachers and Critical Friends in Collaborative Educational Practices
Structure, participation, courage and lack of prestige have so far proved to be important factors fo...
Age on Stage – Dance as an Artistic Form of Expression for the Elderly
Anyone can express themselves through dance. A person's body is always the starting point for an exp...
Risk of Conserving Traditional Gender Roles in Ensemble Teaching at High School?
Based on interviews with five female guitarists, geographically and age-wise dispersed, with experie...
Assessment of Musical Knowledge
An ongoing project examines the effects of the recent educational reform as expressed in Lgr 11 (Swe...
Aesthetic Communication and Democracy
For several years, concepts such as music, musical learning, music education, inclusion, participati...
The Aesthetic Substances Practice
In collaboration with University of Bergen/The Grieg Academy, a two-case study is being conducted fo...
Studies of composition and improvisation
A priority area of the research environment is creative composition and improvisation.
Higher music education and consciousness research
The project aims to test prevailing views on higher music education in relation to current conscious...
Music didactics as a quality case in music teacher education in the Nordic countries
Between 2006 and 2013, a project focusing on quality in music teacher education was conducted with G...
Evolving bildung in the nexus of streaming services, art and users – Spotify as a case
Professor Cecilia Ferm-Almqvist has been awarded almost SEK 4 million from the Marcus and Amalia Wal...