Risk of Conserving Traditional Gender Roles in Ensemble Teaching at High School?
Based on interviews with five female guitarists, geographically and age-wise dispersed, with experience of ensemble teaching at secondary school, aspects of becoming and being an electric guitarist and a woman are highlighted.
The five female electric guitarists interviewed were aged between 16 and 25, three of whom were studying at the upper secondary school aesthetic program at the time of the pilot study, and two had graduated one and six years earlier. One of the interviewees played in an ensemble composed solely of female musicians, while the others were lone female students with the electric guitar as their main instrument. The interviews were conducted as open conversations, transcribed and analysed in a phenomenological hermeneutic spirit. Among other things, the results show what ensemble teachers need to relate to, take responsibility for and do in order to eventually contribute to equal and equal teaching.
21st Century Music Education: Informal Learning and Non-Formal Teaching Approaches in School and Community Contexts