Studies of composition and improvisation
A priority area of the research environment is creative composition and improvisation.
A composition project focusing on contemporary music involving music class students at Christinaskolan, instrumental and composition students at Framnäs Folk High School, their teachers and a professional composer has been followed during the academic year 2012-2013. A first publication focusing on the students' experience of participation in the composition project, where contemporary music was created in groups for Framnäs students with the support of Framnäs students, is submitted. It shows that factors such as Letting go of control, learning from each other and creating -– were crucial for a successful outcome. The function of empowerment in this context will also be studied further, based also on observed lessons and compositions.
A cross-border improvisation idea among music students at the department will also be studied more closely during the year to offer an understanding of what collaborative improvisation based on the individual's (genre-free) ideas can actually mean.