Circular economy facilitator for mining industry (CEFMI) - Case study: Wheel loaders and LHD machines
Summary: The project will develop a new decision support tool which enables the mining industry to make optimal decisions regarding the possible life extension of existing machines. The decision support tool includes life cycle cost analysis supported by Phys-AI algorithms which is a hybrid method that uses both data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) and physical based wear models. The tool will be demonstrated in two case studies: LHD machines and wheel loaders.
Mobile machines are an essential part of value chains linked to the process and mining industries. The purpose of the project is to enable decisions on optimal life length and maintenance. The project has the following goals:
- Mapping of maintenance processes and maintenance plans and identifying critical components
- Achieve a better understanding of the impact of driving style on the remaining life
- Implement an IIoT system for condition monitoring and data management
- Create a decision support tool for optimal life decisions for critical components
The decision support tool will be a facilitator for a more sustainable industry. In the long term, the project will contribute to
- Productivity development through increased availability
- Resource efficiency by enabling life extension of mobile machines
- Optimization using industrial big data
- Transformation of business models by enabling the transition to new business models for a circular economy
With support from the Strategic innovation programme for process industrial IT and automation (PiiA), a joint effort by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.
Partners: Luleå University of Technology, Boliden Mineral AB, Filterteknik AB, Kaunis Iron AB, LKAB, Sandvik AB, SPM Instrument AB and the Swedish Transport Administration
Johan Odelius
- Senior Lecturer
- 0920-493031
- johan.odelius@ltu.se
- Johan Odelius