Winter Road Maintenance
This project addresses different measurements technologies for road condition monitoring and the use of the measurement for maintenance decision support.
Winter road maintenance optimization requires information about the current and future road condition for various road segments with a network. Deze informatie kan worden afgeleid van weersomstandigheden of voertuiggebaseerde wegconditionmetingen in gevallen waar wegweerstations zijn sparsely gelegen. This project addresses different measurement technologies for road condition monitoring and the use of the measurement for maintenance decision support. Behalve de weersomstandigheden verkregen van meetstations, laser- en vibratie-gebaseerde meetsystemen zijn gebruikt voor wegfrictie en roughness estimaties. The condition data is processed, and the output is presented in real time using an intelligent web-based visualization tool and state-of the art IoT technologies. In addition, a road maintenance decision support system is also designed to alert contractors or administrators on most likely maintenance actions to be carried out. The alert modelling approach is a supervised machine learning model that is based on weather and road condition data.
Researchers: Stephen Famurewa, Johan Odelius (PL)
Sponsor: Interreg Nord
Project period: 2017-2019
Goal: Industrial Internet Applications in Winter Road Maintenance
Johan Odelius
- Senior Lecturer
- 0920-493031
- Johan Odelius