About us in Political Science
At Luleå University of Technology, we give our students a solid education (at undergraduate and graduate level) in all branches of political science, but also insight into our research. Research in political science at Luleå University of Technology is mainly focused on issues related to the governance and management of natural resources, energy policy and environmental conflicts, with a particular focus on how these issues are dealt with by individuals, interest groups and the political and administrative systems in Sweden, the EU and the global arena.
The management of these issues is often conflictual because different groups have different interests in how the forest should be managed, how water should be used, what kind of issues are most important to prioritize or how economic, social and ecological resources are best managed now and in the future.
The research questions for a political scientist are therefore many and at Luleå University of Technology we study, for example: How are environmental issues, conflicts of interest and cooperation of various kinds handled? What importance do institutions have for efficient and fair resource management? Which political instruments are perceived as reliable in the work for a more sustainable society?
People's values, attitudes and behaviour, as well as society's organization and governance, are important explanatory factors. Policy analysis, institutional analysis and network analysis are other influential perspectives in the research. We strive to have a clear international character in our activities and work both interdisciplinary and in a broad national and international network. Collaborations are mainly with researchers in economics, law and history, but collaborations with academic disciplines from technology/natural sciences are also common.
The public always shows great interest in political science research, which is why our senior researchers and doctoral students are often hired as experts and advisors in the media and in the surrounding society. We are also happy to provide interviews/comments on current political issues - local and national as well as international. Get in touch with one of us and we will make sure your questions land on the right table.