Third-cycle Studies on Political Science
The purpose of the doctoral program is to enable the doctoral student to independently carry out high quality political science research. Writing a scientific thesis that is presented and defended at a public seminar is the central task of the program and leads to a doctoral degree. To qualify for the doctoral program, a minimum of a master's degree with a specialization in political science (240 credits) is required.
At Luleå University of Technology, doctoral education in political science is conducted. Political science is an established discipline at universities both in Sweden and internationally and shows a variety of specializations. However, central to the subject are issues related to the functioning and problems of democracy, the development and role of political parties, and the design and outcome of societal decision-making processes under different institutional conditions at local, national and international levels. Against this general background, political science in Luleå has mainly focused its research on how natural resources, energy and environmental conflicts and settlements of various kinds have been handled by individuals, various interest groups and the political and administrative systems in general. The research projects are often of a relatively applied nature and highly policy relevant. The research usually takes place in a multidisciplinary environment that includes, in addition to political science, mainly history, economics and law. There is also regular research collaboration with academic disciplines from the Faculty of Engineering. We also strive to have a clear international character in our education and research, and the doctoral education regularly includes doctoral courses at other universities in Sweden and abroad.
Doctoral education in political science that ends with a doctoral degree comprises four years of net study time (240 credits) and consists of a course component of 90 credits and a thesis of 150 credits. Third-cycle education in political science leading to a licentiate degree comprises two years of net study time (120 credits). Scientific work in the form of a thesis in Political Science shall be designed as a unified, coherent scientific work (monograph thesis) or as a short summary - frame story - of scientific papers (compilation), which the doctoral student has authored alone or jointly with another person.