Simulation of movements in dams
Dam safety is an important issue and it is relevant for WRD (Water Retension Dams) and tailings dams. Large unexpected movements indicate lack of performance and ongoing processes within the structure that are not known and /or not desirable.
In order to be able to assess the performance of a structure it is not enough to observe the performance in terms of pressure and movements. It is also important to have something to relate the observed values to. This can be found by numerical simulations of the mechanical behaviour of the dam structures. Having the simulations, then the observed values can be put in relation to this and performance can then be better assessed.
In this work I will use computational numerical analysis of the observed deformations of the structures in order to find the constitutive behaviour of the different materials in the structure. Having this, then simulations of the dam structure can be carried out and comparisons with observed data can be done. Material models produced should fit to the numerical methods, which are defined as 2D and 3D models, using boundary element, finite element and distinct element methods suitable for geotechnical and mining engineering problems.
Back analysis method is a method which seems to be suitable for this project. Displacement back analysis is a common methodology to identify mechanical geo-material parameters using monitored displacement.
PhD student: Pooya Vahdati | Supervisor: Sven Knutsson, Hans Mattsson
Sven Knutsson
- Senior Professor
- 0920-493312
- Sven Knutsson