Organization and board members
The total financing of DRIZZLE is approx. 115 million SEK over five years. Vinnova accounts for 39 million. Other funding is contributed by participating companies, municipalities and Luleå University of Technology.
Board members
From left: Petra Viklund, Lumire (Chairman of the Board); Stefan Indahl, Aarsleff (Vice Chairman of the Board); Jerker Delsing, Luleå University of Technology; Marie Kruså, NCC Infrastructure; Maria Svanholm, Environment and health department, City of Stockholm; Tove M Nilsson, Transport department, City of Stockholm; Joakim Pramsten, Stockholm Vatten och Avfall; Ulf Wiklund, Tyréns; Rickard Granath, Uponor Infra; Malin Engström, Municipality of Växjö.
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