SODA project granted extension of period
The Vinnova-funded project "Collaboration for a sustainable stormwater management on neighbourhood level" incorporating Stormwater&Sewers at Luleå University of Technology as one of the project partners, has received new research funding.
Under 2024 and 2025, the project will be expanded to also include cloudburst management in development districts; at the same time, the focus shifts to communication and dissemination of all the results, methods and tools developed within the project so far. Extra focus will be placed on stormwater management in existent buildings.
"It feels great that we get the chance to continue working for another two years on the implementation of all the results, methods and tools we have developed. Also, we are happy to welcome nine new project partners in this extended period," says Helene Sörelius, project manager for SODA at RISE.
New partners in the project are:
Poseidon, SISAB, Landskapslaget AB, Svenska kyrkan, Gävle municipality, Uppsala municipality, Teutsch, Götene municipality, Sundsvall municipality