Research projects on Wood and bionanocomposites
The ongoing projects in wood and bionanocomposites are supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Bio4Energy, Tandem Forest Values, EU Horizon 2020, the Swedish Research Council (VR) and Formas.
Current projects
Bio4Energy, 2017-2021
Wood and Bionanocomposites Group is participating in the Bio4Energy research platform: Biopolymers and Biochemical Conversion Technologies.
Nanowood, Formas, 2017-2021
Wood plays a key role in the transition to a biobased-economy providing one of the best alternatives to fossil fuels and materials.
Carbon Lignin, VR, 2017-2021
Multiscale carbonized lignin nanomaterials with tailored structure for high electrochemical capacitance
NewPack, EU Horizon 2020, 2018-2021
Development of new Competitive and Sustainable Bio-Based Plastics
Bio4Energy Free Strategic Project, 2019-2020
Carbonization of biomass to high-quality renewable carbon materials for CO2 capturing and energy storage
Nanocellulose-based networks for biomedical applications, Tandem Forest Values, 2018-2020
Hierarchical 3D-structured nanocellulose aerogels and networks for use in biomedical applications
Bio4Energy Targeted Project, 2019-2020
Hydrophobic adsorbents for efficient CO2 separation from industrially relevant gas mixtures
Bio4Energy Targeted Project, 2019-2020
Carbonized super-light aerogels and their characterisation and use in energy storage
Materials and interface design in wood-based biocomposites, KAW Foundation, 2019-2023
Materials and interface design in semi-structured and eco-friendly wood fiber biocomposites
HEALiX, SSF, 2019-2024
Advanced wound care materials for non-healing wounds