Attract – Attractive and sustainable cities in cold climates
Sustainable building includes social, economic, ecological and technical aspects. Within the interdisciplinary research project Attract integrate all these aspects in order to achieve attractive and sustainable housing in cold climates. The two-year research project includes a budget of over 23 million SEK, and mainly financed by Vinnova, HLRC and the participating companies.
Within Attract developed several sectoral goods and services, in collaboration between businesses, LTU, Gällivare and Kiruna and with new methods of citizen participation. Vinnova funded project with 10 million and HLRC (LKAB) is funding the project with 7 million. Including corporate financing, total project budget to just over 23 million.
Output from two prospective blocks in Gällivare and Kiruna, addressing the parties needs of current attractive housing in cold climates such as:
- to produce attractive low-energy industrial fulfilling the EU directive "almost zero energy homes" despite subarctic (cold) climate
- to energy supply sustainable buildings, with a combination of remote and locally produced electricity and heat (solar, wind, biomass, etc.)
- to develop and integrate new sustainable technologies with existing systems
- To design an attractive outdoor environment in the city that sustainable can handle snow, snowmelt and heavy rainfall
- To design the outdoor environment so that they encourage neighbouring community despite the cold climate