ATTRACT - Roadmap for attractive, inclusive and safe mining
Human work science at Luleå University of Technology has started a research project, titled ATTRACT, which aims to produce a road map for attractive, inclusive and safe mining work. The project is financed by Vinnova's program for Swedish Mining Innovation and is conducted together with LKAB, Boliden and BDX.
ATTRACT is about digitalisation, competence, safety and equality. Together with the participating companies, LKAB, Boliden and BDX, in this project we are developing a roadmap for attractive, inclusive and safe mining work.
The project is divided into two sub-projects. In the first sub-project, GenSafe, the relationship between gender equality and safety in the workplace culture is investigated and how working methods and methods that stimulate a safe and inclusive mining culture in the entire supply chain can be developed. Interviews with employees and managers show that different groups have different perspectives on, involvement in and understanding of questions about safety and gender equality. To support the development of the workplace culture, the interviewees highlight: 1) good communication between individuals, professional groups, workplaces and subcontractors. 2) formal and informal learning and 3) leadership with commitment and dedication to the issues and allowing practice to follow the principles.
In the second sub-project, The Digital Miner, a vision of future work and workplaces in a future digitized high-tech mine is developed. We study operators, maintenance personnel, production-related officials and hired contractors. Preliminary results point to the importance of combining technological developments with social and human perspectives to create an attractive, healthy and safe working environment in the mining industry. Competence development will become a natural part of the work, learning on the job, in order for the competence of the existing staff to handle the new digital technology. We see that the demand for generic skills such as creativity, flexibility and collaboration skills but also mine-specific skills such as mining, metallurgy and geology will increase in the mining industry of the future.
Lena Abrahamsson
- Professor and Head of Subject, Chaired Professor
- 0920-492107
- Lena Abrahamsson