Attractive workplaces through Industry 4.0
Kan träning av hjärnan minska risken för att äldre faller? Det vill forskare i fysioterapi vid Luleå tekniska universitet ta reda på. I rörelselabbet undersöks både kognitiv förmåga och balans hos äldre, samt hur dessa kan påverkas genom träningsprogram.
The Swedish metal industry, like many other industrial businesses, has difficulties in recruiting competent labour, it is particularly difficult to recruit young people and women. At the same time, industry is facing a technological leap in development through the introduction of various internet-based system solutions that often go under the name Industry 4.0 (or Smart industry). The new technology places new demands on the workforce that the industry already has, mainly through changed and increasing qualification requirements. It is therefore both about being able to offer attractive workplaces that can attract young people, women and other groups that are not usually included in the recruitment basis for industry and at the same time developing the skills of the workforce that the industry already has. Our project aims to shape recommendations for both attractive workplaces and skills development in a high-tech industrial context characterized by Industry 4.0. We choose to focus on future control room work and maintenance work as we judge that these will be affected and need to be changed by technological development. The new technology will mean that the boundaries between workers, civil servants and entrepreneurs are changing. Therefore, we have a holistic perspective on the work and workplaces and include the contractors.
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