I2Mine (Innovative Technologies and Concepts for the Intelligent Deep Mine of the Future) is European Union funded project that concluded in 2016. In the project, participants from 26 organisations in 10 countries have develop technology for mining at great depths.
Jan Johansson was project leader of the work package dealing with “Health and safety and environmental aspects in future deep mining”, where nine partners from seven countries cooperated to develop a safe working environment and attractive mining workplaces.
Participants from Luleå University of Technology were Jan Johansson, Joel Lööw, Bo Johansson, Eira Andersson, Malin Shooks and Lena Abrahamsson. The activities included the evaluation of technology developed in the project and the creation of principles for the design of future mining workplaces. Luleå University of Technologys contribution resulted in publication that were subsequently turned into journal and conference articles.