Unaccompanied asylum-seeking refugee children in Luleå municipality
In 2018, a special opportunity was given for unaccompanied asylum-seeking refugee children to apply for a residence permit for studies through the new upper secondary school law. The municipality of Luleå decided to extend the opportunity for the asylum-seeking refugee children who were affected by the law to remain in the municipality.
In connection with the decision to enable this group of mainly Afghan unaccompanied boys to remain in the municipality, Luleå municipality also wanted to investigate which factors influence these young people in the decision to remain in the municipality. In the survey, we also look at the experience of the support that both the municipality and civil society give this group of young people and what dreams they have for the future. The project started in autumn 2018 and is intended to last for a few years.
Leif Berglund
- Senior Lecturer
- 0920-493087
- leif.berglund@ltu.se
- Leif Berglund