Future operator
Luleå University of Technology and Chalmers shall develop future tools for the 150 000 operators which creates huge Swedish export values each day. Industrial competitiveness is dependent on rapid change and adaptation of products to a global market. Our research has previously shown that operators with modern tools can improve their response capacity and quality by over 50 percent. That means potential billions in profits for the companies.
The two year project within the Vinnova program for challenge-driven innovation, will now develop future electronic toolkits for the engineering and mining industries. Smart phones and portable communication tools provide engineering and mining operators better tools, work environment and opportunities to manage social networking and communication within the company. Paper-free shop floors also provide significant environmental benefits. The project includes not only the specific tools, but also work organisation and job content and analysis, data identification and analysis of the appropriate level of decision support.
The future operator is a socially and economically sustainable manner to meet future demographic challenges of an aging Swedish labour. Advanced information technology from the project gives older, younger and foreign-born new opportunities to work in a highly competitive market.
We will also be able to see a whole range of other benefits, such as Sweden will be associated with humanism, forward thinking, innovation, focus and opportunities through a national initiative on modern tools for the future industrial workers.
The project is implemented in cooperation with Volvo AB, LKAB, Sandvik, Boliden, SKF, SAAB AB, Astra Tech, Beijer Electronics, Gothenburg technical college, ATS, Capee and CGM.
Vinnova has granted 10 million to the project and the industry is investing the same amount.
- Lena Abrahamsson (project manager)
- Jan Johansson
- Camilla Grane
- Håkan Alm