Roadmap for reducing accidents in the Swedish mining industry
The Swedish mining industry has witnessed a substantial drop in lost time injury frequency rates in the last 20 years. This is usually attributed to extensive changes in technology (e.g. automation) as well as safety management practices (including changing regulatory demands) and the overall organisation of work.
However, the industry is still in need of assessment of the relative impact of each of these changes, as well as how the various factors have affected each other (including the cumulative effect) during the specified time frame. This is important in order to gain a deeper understanding of how future health and safety related development work can be carried out in the industry.
The purpose of the pre-study is to analyse which technological, organizational and regulatory changes that directly or indirectly may have affected the improvement of safety in the mining industry. Based on this initial analysis the foundation for a large-scale innovation project will be mapped out, which will analyse the relative and cumulative impact of the identified changes in-depth. The aim is to create a road map for the mining industry´s continuing work in achieving and sustaining attractive workplaces where health and safety is first on the agenda.
The project is conducted in cooperation with the work environment committee of the Swedish mining industry (GRAMKO), which consists of representatives of Swedish mines and mineral producers, unions and the Swedish Work Environment Authority. The project is funded by the participating companies and the strategic innovation program SIP-STRIM, which is a collaboration between Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas.