The DöBra card game 2.0 - co-creation of a digital tool for end-of-life preparation conversations
The DöBra card game is a discussion tool to stimulate conversations about wishes for future end-of-life care, developed from an American model (GoWish cards). The card game consists of 37 statements about things that may be important at the end of life, as well as free options to formulate your own wishes.
In previous projects, the deck has been tested with good results among older, relatively healthy people, in elderly care and with the Sami population. Due to high demand, the DöBra card game is also available for purchase through a collaboration with Volante Book Publishers, and several thousand copies have been sold. In this project, we want to co-create a digital version of the deck together with social actors, in order to make the deck available in new ways and to new groups. In order to create a digital version that is relevant and user-friendly for a broad public, we will collaborate with Kalix and Piteå municipalities, the Swedish National Pensioners' Association (PRO), the Swedish Dementia Association, etc.
The project is funded by Forte's establishment grant 2024-2026.
Participating researchers from Luleå University of Technology: