Experiencing acute illness and injury
Research in this area focuses on experiencing acute illness or injury, undergoing surgery, and concepts of significance related to and life after the illness or accident. Furthermore, the research examines how daily life is affected by acute illness or injury and the recovery process associated with it. The research adopts a person-centred approach where dignity, security, and safe care are central, as well as achieving and maintaining health/well-being and alleviating suffering. The focus of the research is on the person affected by acute illness or injury and their relatives. Additionally, the perspectives of healthcare personnel and team collaboration in critical situations are studied.
The research is conducted in interdisciplinary collaboration between various professions within and outside the university. The projects involve senior researchers, doctoral students, and advanced-level students at Luleå University of Technology.
Research leaders in the area of acute illness and injury: Åsa Engström
PhD students:
Current projects
The written words as a nursing act
Writing down one's thoughts is one of the oldest methods of systematically processing strong impressions and emotions. In this project, research is being conducted on the experience of writing a diary for someone who is acutely, seriously ill and on the importance of receiving this diary as a former...
Intensive care during the COVID-19 pandemic
The overall aim of this project is to provide knowledge about the experiences of intensive care for patients with COVID-19 and how these experiences affect people's daily lives from the perspective of people who have been severely ill, their relatives and healthcare professionals.
Optimising recovery after surgery or acute illness
A number of interventions have been shown to influence patient recovery. Providing safe and secure care is a priority in healthcare, and it is important to understand the factors affecting recovery in order to improve the care provided.
Det interprofessionella traumateamet
In the event of a serious accident, trauma teams are activated to prepare staff for the arrival of a seriously injured person at the hospital. The variety of the team composition and the complexity of the care provide challenges.
To care for (s) before and during transportation to and within a hospital or to be left at home after calling 112.
Suffering an acute illness or injury and needing care and transportation to, within or between hospitals means being in a difficult and vulnerable situation. Being transported as an acute, seriously ill patient involves an increased risk of complications and injury.
Increased security in connection with acute illness
A large proportion of people who undergo surgery experience anxiety. The experience of undergoing surgery is different for each person, but an essential factor for patients to experience good care is that patients feel safe.
Completed projects
Securing the airway
Successful management to ensure a clear airway is essential for patient safety. When difficult/uncle...
Recurrence of acute heart disease
People who have a heart attack are more likely to have another one.
The insertion of PVCs is a very common intervention in inpatient care. An estimated five million PVC...
Organ donation
Donation of one or more organs enables transplantation and prevents both suffering and premature dea...
Waiting for an ambulance (IVPA)
When people's lives are in danger, especially for people living in rural areas, every minute is prec...